NYSSMA COVID-19 Toolkit Advocacy

The NYSSMA COVID-19 toolkit advocacy page has been designed for the membership to access relevant information as it relates to the current pandemic and the economic repercussions it may have on music program.  Please check back for updated information as guidance continues to develop.

NYSSMA Advocacy Committee

A NYSSMA advocacy committee has been formed to increase communication to local zones.  Each zone has been assigned an “advocate” that NYSSMA members may contact with questions regarding music program.

Zone Advocate  
Zone 1Claudia Andresandresc1954@yahoo.com
Zone 2Jeff Smithjsmith@cccsd.org
Zone 3Jen Raffertymusic@jenrafferty.com
Zone 3Jacquelin Kovacsjkovacs@me.stier.org
Zone 4Mark Buncembunce@cvalleycsd.org
Zone 5Marvin Zehrmarzedos@yahoo.com
Zone 6Jennifer Moorejmoore@willsborocsd.org
Zone 7Brian Caruccicarubria@shenschools.org
Zone 8Rebecca Maeder-Chienrmaederchien@skcs.org
Zone 9Lynda Keechzone9@nyssma.org
Zone 9Harvey Boyerhboyer@onteora.K12.ny.us
Zone 10Ryan Waderyanwade@hpcsd.org
Zone 11Nancy Torrentezone11@nyssma.org
Zone 12Robert Ramsrrams@schools.nyc.gov
Zone 13Joe Owensgovernmentrelations@nassaumusic.org
Zone 14Michael Caravellomcaravel@portjeffschools.org
Zone 15Chris van Leeuwenzone15@nyssma.org
 Lori Orestano-JamesNYSSMA Advocacy Chair
 Michael MastrangeloNYSSMA Advocacy Co-Chair
 Russ FaunceNYSSMA President Elect
 Michael BrownellNYSSMA Advisor
 Marc GreeneNAfME Officer

Music Education Requirements

NYS Arts Education Requirements

The Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Part 100 specify that public school students are to receive instruction in the arts including Visual Arts, Dance, Music and Theater in grades PreK-K (CR 100.3(a)), grades one through six (CR 100.3(b)), and one-half unit of credit in both Visual Arts and Music over grades seven and eight (CR 100.4). Additionally, students in grades nine through twelve must have the opportunity to complete a unit of credit in the Arts; which may include Visual Arts, Music, Dance, or Theater to satisfy Regents diploma requirements (CR 100.5(a)3(v)). Students should also have the opportunity to begin a sequence in the Arts in grade nine, and to access advanced coursework needed to complete a sequence in the Arts (100.2(h)).

Arts Summary – Part 100 Regs-Arts summary

Full Document – http://www.p12.nysed.gov/part100/

NYSED Music in the High Schools

NYSED Music Education Flowchart

The U.S. Department of Education Requirements

The US Department of Education approved New York’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which demands that all students be provided with a well-rounded education, including the Arts, providing equitable access to an enriched curriculum and educational experience for every student.

Document – https://www.ed.gov/essa?src=rn

 Reopening Guidance 2021-2022 


Additional Resources