Sat. December 3, 2011
NYSSMA Research Committee Meeting
The meeting came to order at 12:05
Members Attending:
Janice Smith, (Queens College) Chair; Donna Fox (Eastman), Mark Campbell (Crane School); Maria Runfola, (SUNY Bufflao).
Unable to attend: Melissa Abramo; Michael Albertson; Randall Allsup
Others attending: David Gaines, Richard Sang
Welcome to Randall Allsup who will represent Teacher College on this committee.
Smith purchased a light lunch for all and will find a way to pay for it. NYSSMA does not pay for committee luncheons but does reimburse travel.
The Research Gallery continues to grow and to be well attended. It was noted that poster presenters should be reminded that they must be members of NYSSMA and to register for the conference on the day that they present. There were 16 accepted posters this year. One was too late to be included in the program and one was unable to attend. We have the capacity for about 24 posters at each conference in the present setting. Smith is pleased that participation continues to grow, albeit somewhat slowly.
The call for next years Research Gallery will be send out electronically April 1 with a suggested deadline of June 15. Smith will continue to accept posters on a space available basis after the deadline.
Four research sessions were presented this year. Mark Campbell and Maria Runfola continue to be much appreciated regular contributors. We need to work on expanding that list of presenters.
Old Business
Sessions on data collection and assessment – this was suggested as a session last year and we did not follow through. What people seem to be asking for is a session on how to determine that their assessments are valid and reliable. We definitely need to pursue this next year.
Surveys distributed by NYSSMA – several of these were posted this year, but obtaining participation seems to be difficult. We need a way to email the membership and solicit their participation. NYSSMA does not currently have this capability although NAfME does. NYSSMA is working on it. Hopefully by next year we will have this availability.
Mini grants that went no where – Smith submitted a proposal to the NYSSMA executive council but received no reply. She can attend the June meeting this year and will try again. We were looking for $2000 to provide 4 grants of $500 each to pairs of teachers and researchers to do action research projects, then present at the following years’ research gallery. They would also be expected to write things up for a School Music News issue, and present at a research round table. This would move several committee goals forward: 1) more teacher involvement; 2) more posters; 3) a steady stream of articles for the SMN focused on research.
It was suggested last year that the research gallery presenters be approached about writing for the School Music News. Smith approached several this year, but some had already been accepted elsewhere, some were hopeful of publication in national journals and two said they would be willing to contribute something: one for this year (Azzara, et al) and one for the following year (Kaiser).
New Business
We need to solicit more research sessions. We need a broader base of presenters. There is a need for presentations that review valid and reliable data collection. Smith will contact some possible presenters. Feel free to volunteer.
Articles for School Music News
- April due Feb. 15 Fox will provide
- May June due March 15th Natale-Abramo will provide
- September due July 15th Campbell will provide
- October due August 15th Etopio will provide
- November due Sept. 15th Azzara et al, will provide
- Smith does December (Conference Sessions due Oct. 15) and
- January (research abstracts due Nov. 15)
Smith has agreed to continue as research chair for the new administration so 1/1/12 – 1/1/14.