NYSSMA® “Academy” Announcement

Posted on July 19, 2024

TO: ALL NYSSMA®  Members (and especially collegiate membership)

FROM: NYSSMA® President Ed Chiarello

RE: NYSSMA® “Academy” (online beginning this September) Announcement DATE: May/June 2024

In response to an ongoing dialogue with collegiate membership, NYSSMA® President Ed Chiarello an- nounces an online NYSSMA® “Academy” that, while geared for collegiate members of NYSSMA®. will be of interest to NYSSMA® membership as well. NYSSMA® Neurodiversity and Accessibility Chairperson Brian Wagner Yeung will serve as the facilitator for the online Academy series.


The five sessions will take place on four Saturdays in September and ending on Saturday, October 5. Here is a brief overview of the session titles and dates:

Session #1: The Neurodiverse Music Classroom for All Date: Saturday, September 7, 2024

Session #2: Music for All: Engaging All Learners in the Music Classroom Date: Saturday, September 14, 2024

Session #3: Making Connections for All Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024

Session #4: The Accessible Classroom Environment for All Date: Saturday, September 28, 2024

Session #5: NYSSMA® Academy Series Wrap Up Date: Saturday, October 5, 2024

Sessions will take place from noon-1:30 p.m. for collegiate students and ALL NYSSMA® members are welcome to attend.

The sessions are free and attendees will simply click a Zoom link to join.

The sessions would be beneficial for all collegiates (they’ve asked for them); however, these sessions are especially beneficial for student teachers and new teachers.

Brian Wagner Yeung, NYSSMA® Neurodiversity and Accessibility Chair, is facilitating all the sessions with a possible panel of NYSSMA® presenters for the final session in October.

Look for more information concerning the NYSSMA® Academy here in the School Music NEWS and on the NYSSMA® home page.

Zoom link: https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Furl%3Fq%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fnaz.zoom.us%2Fj%2F86213348173%3Fpwd%253DqEcdKv6JOtK8Cja4IVGBpXKBRu6Y3I.1%26sa%3DD%26source%3Dcalendar%26ust%3D1721481800376073%26usg%3DAOvVaw2e_Ykts_MsRhQ9uSw6oC9T&data=05%7C02%7CPresident%40nyssma.org%7C01d6b805812b4d352aac08dca4d17128%7C10fec88f8c6b4f8cb9c52356e1981f3d%7C0%7C0%7C638566468471784786%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=zfgi9U0Lw%2BC8ALWfgOcnOXsZLITlNMIHDNJVMJXEExw%3D&reserved=0

QR code for the Zoom link:

Course Descriptions

QR code for the Academy Course Descriptions

NYSSMA Academy Series

Noon – 1:30 p.m.

Access the NYSSMA Academy Series Workshops at Zoom link: https://naz.zoom.us/j/86213348173?pwd=qEcdKv6JOtK8Cja4IVGBpXKBRu6Y3I.1

Session #1: The Neurodiverse Music Classroom for All
Guiding Essential Question: Who are our students?
Date: Saturday, September 7th
Description: This session will introduce music educators to who our students are – including up-to-date terminology and language. Educators will be exposed to various types of disabilities (including visible and non- apparent disabilities), and recognizing that all students are people first – and music educators should be incorporating a strength-based model.

Session #2: Music for All: Engaging All Learners in the Music Classroom
Guiding Essential Question: What are the core ideas?
Date: Saturday, September 14th
Description: This session will introduce music educators to basic ideas such as Universal Design for Learning (UDL), task analysis, assistive technology, and multisensory learning. Educators will learn that the strategies designed for our students who have the most needs will, in fact, benefit all students. Examples will include accessible music literacy, singing, and performing on instruments.

Session #3: Making Connections for All
Date: Saturday, September 21st
Guiding Essential Question: How does it look in music?
Description: This session will introduce educators to how music, and music-making, can teach students lifelong skills that can easily be applied outside of the music classroom. Examples will include language, self-esteem, emotional regulation, and social skills. Educators will take away that while teaching music, they can also teach secondary skills that will benefit all students (including connecting to IEP goals through music-making).

Session #4: The Accessible Classroom Environment for All
Guiding Essential Question: Where does it happen?
Date: Saturday, September 28th
Description: This session will introduce music educators to making their environments accessible, safe, and comfortable for all. Examples will include: recognizing sensory needs within the classroom, classroom organization, and medical and physical needs of students, in addition to managing student behavior – and supporting students who need extra support with targeted strategies.

Session #5: NYSSMA Academy Series Wrap Up
Guiding Essential Question: Why?
Date: Saturday, October 5th
Description: This will be a Q&A session, where collegiate and experienced music educators can ask more specific or detailed questions. A virtual panel of educators will be there to answer questions and offer multiple perspectives.

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