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- American Academy of Arts and Sciences
The academy is an international society with a dual function: to elect to membership men and women of exceptional achievement, drawn from science, scholarship, business, public affairs, and the arts, and to conduct a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs and problems of society.
- American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
The American Alliance for Health, PHysical Education,Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) is the largest organization of professionals supporting and assisting those involved in physical education, leisure, fitness, dance, health promotion, and education and all specialties related to achieving a healthy lifestyle..
- American Alliance for Theatre and Education
This organization disseminates quality practices in theatre and theatre education, connects artists, educators, researchers and scholars with each other, and provides opportunities for members to learn, exchange, expand and diversify their work, the audience and their perspectives. The site has extensive links to other theatre sites.
- Americans for the Arts
This organization is the nation’s leading arts information clearinghouse, with a 40-year record of objective arts industry research. As the preeminent arts advocacy organization it is dedicated to representing and serving local communities and creating opportunities for every American to participate in and appreciate all forms of the arts.
- The American Dance Therapy Association
Dance/Movement Therapists are graduates of masters degree programs that integrate dancers’ special knowledge of body, movement and expressive spirit with the healing skills of counseling, psychotherapy and rehabilitation.
- American Music Association Initiative
Sponsored by the National Music Foundation, this initiative supports teachers who use American music in their classrooms. Current lessons are provided.
- Art and Science Collaboration
The purpose of Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI) is to raise public awareness about artists and scientists using science and technology to explore new forms of creative expression, and to increase communication and collaborations between these fields.
- Art in the School
A non-profit organization dedicated to providing comprehensive art education to elementary-age children.
- Arts Education Partnership
The Arts Education Partnership (formerly the Goals 2000 Arts Education Partnership) is a private, nonprofit coalition of education, arts, business, philanthropic, and government organizations that demonstrates and promotes the essential role of arts education in enabling all students to succeed in school, life and work.
- Association for the Advancement of Arts Education
Website has lesson plans across the arts as well as an interdisciplinary focus, with an emphasis on Cincinnati schools.
- Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development is an association of professional educators whose jobs across all grade levels and subject areas. The website provides several articles and guidance related to arts education.
- Creative Drama and Theatre Education Resource Site
This site offers classroom ideas, theatre games and plays for performance.
- Dance Magazine
Provides selected articles from the print magazine, a calendar of performances, and dance reviews. Order the college guide to dance programs.
- Dance Spirit Magazine
This site contains sound bites of information about artists, issues, and dance technique. Articles are accessible to students.
- Drama Teacher’s Resource Room
This site provides lesson plans and additional resources for a school drama program.
- Education World
Education World’s goal is to make it easy for educators to integrate the Internet into the classroom. The founders and executive management of Education World, each with a background in education, designed the site to be a FREE resource for educators. In order to keep the site free for all visitors, Education World is funded by corporate sponsors and advertisers.
- Federal Resources for Education Excellence
More than 30 Federal agencies formed a working group to make hundreds of federally supported education resources available at this web site. Many original documents and art resources are available at this site.
- Gateway to Education Material
The site, sponsored by the United States Department of Education, is a one-stop, any-stop access to high quality lesson plans, curriculum units and other education resources on the Internet. The Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM) project is a consortium effort to provide educators with quick and easy access to the substantial, but uncataloged, collections of educational materials found on various federal, state, university, non-profit and commercial Internet sites.
- Getty’s Art Education Website
This arts education website includes a variety of teaching and learning materials, including many art images. (artsEdNet)contains lesson plans and curriculum ideas.
Interactive Drama for Education and Awareness in Schools offers school-based drama artist-in-residency programs designed for students with deafness or hearing impairments and their teachers.
Learning through an Expanded Arts Program, Inc. (LEAP) is a nonprofit education organization serving 220,000 students in approximately 450 schools in the Northeast each year. LEAP works with students, trains teachers, conducts graduate courses at universities and produces educational curricula and materials.
- MusicAtSchool
This site provides resources and links for secondary music study. Includes work sheets and online lessons.
- Music Educators National Conference: National Association for Music Education
This site provides a wide variety of music education topics of interest to teachers, parents, students, researchers, music professionals, and others.
- National Art Education Association
The National Art Education Association promotes art education through professional development, service, advancement of knowledge, and leadership. NAEA is a nonprofit educational organization.
- National Dance Association
The National Dance Association seeks to increase knowledge, improve skills and encourage sound professional practices in dance education through high quality dance programs. Dance education and arts advocacy links are available on this website.
- National Endowment for the Arts
ARts features, interviews, new work in the Gallery and Writer’s Corner. Learn about the exceptional work being done by artists and arts organizations across the country. Choose an Art Form to find resources, links, field reports, and archived features on artists and arts organizations. New online resource of Federal funding available for arts initiatives through national, state and local funding programs.
- National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts
This organization identifies emerging artists and assists them at critical junctures in their educational and professional development, and raise appreciation for, and support of , the arts in American society.
- New York State Alliance for Arts Education
A state-wide non-profit service organization, NYSAAE is dedicated to ensuring that the arts become an integral part of every person’s education in New York State.
- NYSCAME homepage
The mission of the New York State Council of Administrators of Music Education is to provide a source for of communication, development and support for all leaders responsible for facilitating the music education of students in the state of New York.
- NYS Education Department
The Department’s website provides information, publications and resources regarding the NYS Learning Standards for the Arts.
New York State Summer School for the Arts. The Schools of Choral, Jazz and Orchestral Studies are for the State’s gifted and talent high school musicians. Entrance is through audition. Study with some of the world’s finest professional musicians and educators.
- NYS Standards for the Arts
The Standards for the Arts reflect the educational goals that are common to dance, music, theatre, and the visual arts, while recognizing the distinctive aspects of each discipline. Each art form has its own philosophies, methods, materials, history, and content; each is usually taught as a separate subject. Assessment techniques should account for the similarities and differences among the arts and the varying capabilities and education of students across the four disciplines. You will find links here to the NYSED website and other resources to help you teach to the NYS Standards.
- NYS Theatre Education Association
This site provides links to other arts sites and advocates for drams/theatre in schools. Information regarding conferences, discussion groups, and other resources are provided for NYS educators.
- Project Reach
A web site designed to help the music educator locate resources which will aid them in meeting the varying needs of their deaf/hard of hearing students.
- STArt
STArt is designed to expand and adapt to teacher needs. Teachers are encouraged to comment submit information to be added to their site, and make requests or suggestions about how STArt can better serve classroom teachers. Includes four arts disciplines.
- VSA arts
The Very Special Arts changed its name to VSA arts. Now standing for Vision, Strength, and Artistic Expression, VSA arts forges full steam ahead into the next century by adopting a new name. VSA arts is an International organization that creates learning opportunities through the arts for people with disabilities. The organization offers arts-based programs in creative writing, dance, drama, music, and the visual arts.
- Young Audiences/New York
Young Audiences/ New York has been providing arts-in-education programs to New York metropolitan area schools. The organization also offers integrated arts and technology programs that use computers and Internet-based resources as catalysts for learning.