Advertising Rates & Specifications


Effective July 1, 2024 to June 1, 2025 – Volume 88, 2024-2025


Thomas N. Gellert, NYSSMA® Editor

Karen H. Gellert, NYSSMA® School Music News Billing

All billing inquiries should be sent to Karen Gellert at

*Please contact Stuart Rauch in the NYSSMA® Business Office for information concerning paying by credit card.             NYSSMA Business Office: 1-516-997-7200 or

Positioning & Ad Size/DimensionsCost PER Insertion
Back Cover 4Color – Guaranteed (7-1/2″ x 9-3/4″ – 45 x 58-1/2 picas)$1100**
Inside Cover 4Color – Guaranteed (7-1/2″ x 9-3/4″ – 45 x 58-1/2 picas)$1000**
Inside Cover B/W – Guaranteed (7-1/2″ x 9-3/4″ – 45 x 58-1/2 picas)$900**
Full Page 4Color – (7-1/2″ x 9-3/4″ – 45 x 58-1/2 picas)$900**
Full Page B/W – (7-1/2″ x 9-3/4″ – 45 x 58-1/2 picas)$700**
2/3 Page B/W – (Double column – 4-1/2″ x 9-3/4″ -29-1/2 x 58-1/2 picas)$650 Color / $500 b/w**
Half Page – (Vertical – 4-7/8″ x 7-1/2″ – 27-1/2 x 45 picas)$500 Color / $400 b/w**
Half Page – (Horizontal – 7-1/2″ x 4-7/8″ – 45 x 29-1/2 picas)$500 Color / $400 b/w**
1/3 Page Single Column – (2-3/8″ x 9-3/4″- 29-1/2 x 58-1/2 picas)$400 Color / $350 b/w**
1/3 Page Double Column – (4-7/8″ x 4-7/8″- 27-1/2 x 29-1/2 picas)$400 Color / $350 b/w**
1/4 Page Double Column – (4-7/8″ x 3-3/4″ – 29-1/2 x 23-3/4 picas)$375 Color** / $275 b/w**
1/4 Page Triple Column – (7-1/2″ x 2-1/2″ – 45 x 15 picas)$375 Color** / $275 b/w**
1/6 Page Single Column – (2-3/8″ x 4-7/8″ – 14 x 29-1/2 picas)Contact for pricing
1/6 Page Double Column – (4-7/8″ x 2-3/8″ – 29-1/4 x 14 picas)Contact for pricing
2″Ad-(Fractional Ads of 2′)Contact for pricing

*Full spreads, full bleeds, custom design artwork, inserts? Please contact for pricing.

**DISCOUNTS! A 20% discount will be given for advertising contracted for ALL seven issues (in the SAME publication year). A 15% discount will be given for advertising contracted for any five (5) or six (6) issues within the same publication year and a 5% discount offered for advertising contracted in three (3) to (4) issues within the same publication year.

COMMISSION: There are no agency commissions.

TYPE OF PRINTING: The School Music News is printed by Digital Offset Lithography. Electronic ads (preferred) or camera-ready material MUST be furnished by the advertiser by the copy deadline below. Unless otherwise reserved by insertion order, there is no guarantee as to the position placement of ads. NYSSMA reserves the right to position all non-specified placement ads according to our standards / prepress/layout and printer judgment.

Standardized Format:
Trimmed Page Size – 8 1/2 x 11 inches
Number of columns – Three (30 column inches per page)
Column width – 2 3/8 inches (14 picas)
Space between columns – 1 1/2 picas
Depth – 9 3/4 inches (58 1/2 picas)
Two-column width – 4 7/8 inches (27 1/2 picas)
Four Color / B & W
*Ads should be submitted in electronic format as HI-RESOLUTION .pdf, .tiff, .jpeg or .eps files by e-mail (preferred), or as CD-DVD data.

CLOSING DATE: 4-6 weeks prior to the date of publication (please see SUBMISSION DEADLINESS below)

NYS Tax-Exempt Number: 132014

Federal Tax ID Number: 11-1976465

The New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA®) is a non-profit educational organization chartered by the Board of Regents of the State of New York. As such, it publishes The School Music News, the official publication of the professional music educators of New York State. With over 4,000 active, retired, and collegiate music educators, NYSSMA is one of the largest professional state music educator associations in the nation. In addition, the School Music News maintains active subscribers from every state and a number of foreign countries. Complimentary copies of the School Music News are sent to all leaders in state and national music associations throughout the nation.

$36.00 per year (published 7 times a year September through June)


For information about where to send material for review, please contact the editor:


Thomas N. Gellert, NYSSMA® Editor: The School Music NEWS

167 Middleville Road
Northport, New York 11768-2365
(631) 514-9653 (C/O)


Steven Behler, Pre-press: The School Music NEWS

*Copies of the insertion order (in DUPLICATE please) must be sent directly to BOTH our prepress layout person AND to the editor on your company letterhead specifying issue(s), size, and cost of insertion(s). The School Music NEWS Editor can also provide an insertion order if desired. A copy of the insertion order should also be included in any hard copy mailings of advertising material sent to the editor or pre-press.

Advertisers are held responsible for the payment of charges. Failure of the agency to remit properly does not relieve the advertiser of responsibility.

CANCELLATIONS will not be accepted after the closing date. In absence of specific instructions to the contrary, the publisher reserves the right to repeat the last ad copy used in the publication.


September 2024 (Back to School Issue) Full ColorJuly 15, 2024
October 2024 (Winter Pre-Conference Announcements, Elections)August 15, 2024
November-December 2024 (Winter Conference / All-State)September 15, 2024
January / February 2025 (Post-Conference Wrap-up)December 15, 2024
March 2025 (Music In Our Schools Month) Full ColorJanuary 15, 2025
April 2025 (**Membership Directory-Summer Conf.)February 15, 2025
May / June 2025 (NYS Summer Music Conference Issue) Full ColorApril 1, 2025
September 2024 (Back to School Issue) FULL COLORJuly 15, 2024

Dear Friend of NYSSMA® and Music Education:

The School Music NEWS magazine is The Official Magazine of the New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA®) and as such, it has the largest (000+ per issue) circulation of all the state music magazines in the United States and also is read in a number of foreign countries.

NYSSMA® publishes 7 times each year from September through June with double issues in November-December / January-February and May-June. Please take a look at the attached advertising rate information and generous discount plans. As NYSSMA® editor I work closely with each of our advertisers to provide the best possible and most cost-efficient advertising in our magazine. Our advertising rates are substantially less than the cost NYSSMA® incurs to publish and I will tailor an advertising plan that works within your available budget. NYSSMA® values our advertisers and many have been with us for years.

In addition to reaching out to our professional active membership, NYSSMA® has a very large readership made up of collegiate music educators and educators in training. We also have a strong number of retired members active in our association, as well.

Here are the various “themes” of each NYSSMA® School Music NEWS publication across our year stretching from September – June in addition to very important information to help you decide on whether or not a specific issue or multiple issues are better suited for you when considering advertising:

A Look at Each NYSSMA® School Music NEWS (by publication date)

SEPTEMBER: “Back to School” Issue with a sneak preview of our WINTER CONFERENCE, lots of NYSSMA® business, articles and reviews. 

ADVERTISING BENEFITS & OPPORTUNITIES: This issue is especially popular with colleges/universities and conservatory music programs as it offers opportunities to announce fall audition dates. It is also an outstanding issue for advertising a wide variety of services for music educators (travel and tour companies, instrument vendors, music equipment, music instructional software, sheet music dealers/publishers, uniform companies, and more).

OCTOBER: Our annual “Election Issue” includes candidates for NYSSMA® office, a wrap-up of the New York State Summer Music Conference, and much more!

ADVERTISING BENEFITS & OPPORTUNITIES: Like our September issue, this is also a popular issue for collegiate audition date advertising in addition to resource materials, instruments, sheet music, music software, and music equipment vendors looking to take advantage of the still early back-to-school budget season!

NOVEMBER-DECEMBER (Double Issue): Our “Winter Conference and Annual All-State Issue” features in-depth coverage of our annual conference and All-State performances in Rochester, NY. This issue has expanded presenter/performing group/presenter biographies, our winter conference session/showcase schedule and it is chock full of information regarding our conference. This issue is NOT the same as the winter conference program guide distributed only to conference attendees.

ADVERTISING BENEFITS & OPPORTUNITIES: The November-December issue is very highly visible as it is received in November ahead of the NYSSMA® Winter Conference. This issue is normally extremely popular with collegiate advertisers as it covers a 3-month stretch of time where audition date information can be advertised prior to the busiest audition times for most collegiate music programs. In addition, tour and travel companies, music instrument supply, sheet music, equipment, and software vendors looking to place advertising for music educators contemplating travel and/or beginning the school music budget development process often look to this issue for timely information.

JANUARY-FEBRUARY (Double Issue): Our “New Year” Issue is always filled with a great deal of association information including our recently held Conference All-State performances (complete rosters of our nearly 600 All-State student performers) and a retrospective of our Winter Conference at Rochester, NY.

ADVERTISING BENEFITS & OPPORTUNITIES: The January-February School Music NEWS magazine is extremely beneficial to collegiate advertisers with late winter/spring audition dates looking to get the word out. It is also a great issue for advertisers looking for advance summer music program advertising opportunities for both music educators (graduate credit / in-service programs) and, to promote summer opportunities for music students (camps, summer music programs sponsored by college/university/conservatory music programs, etc.). We also normally have a representation of music supply companies featured in this issue.

MARCH: Our “Music In Our Schools Month: Issue is filled with many outstanding articles and reviews of special interest to our membership. New York State is where MIOSM began back in the early 1970s and it has now been adopted by NAfME and many states but, NYSSMA® made this event happen first and it is still going strong here in our state. The March School Music NEWS presents the annual MIOSM proclamation from our governor in addition to a preview of the annual New York State Summer Music Conference. We have both collegiate and music education vendors well represented in this issue.

ADVERTISING BENEFITS & OPPORTUNITIES: This is the prime issue for advertising summer music opportunities for educators and students. The March magazine is also a great issue for travel and tour companies looking to promote opportunities for school music group travel in the coming year as most schools need to propose trips a year in advance.

APRIL: Our “NYSSMA® DIRECTORY” Issue includes a complete alpha directory of the active NYSSMA® membership in addition to member school districts. From the perspective of “Which NYSSMA® School Music NEWS magazine will be the most often read and opened over the course of 12 months?” this issue wins the title. It is THE ONLY complete directory of NYSSMA® membership published just once each spring. As such, NYSSMA® members (and other readers outside of New York State) will refer to this specific issue over and over again for the next year to come.

ADVERTISING BENEFITS & OPPORTUNITIES: The benefits of placing an ad in this issue are many because of the exposure it offers to our advertisers. We have collegiate ads here as well as other ad placement by organizations looking to connect to New York music educators not just once but, as often as possible. Those who choose this specific issue are guaranteed that their advertising will be seen many times over!

MAY-JUNE (Double Issue): Our “Summer Conference – End of the School Year Issue” is read not only for summer conference information but also because it provides our membership with a year-long retrospective of the many articles, columns, reviews, and association business appearing in the NYSSMA® magazine. We also endeavor to give our membership a glimpse into the coming school year and in this way, the MAY-JUNE magazine is a fitting way to bring the school year to a close.

ADVERTISING BENEFITS & OPPORTUNITIES: Here’s a great way to get your advertising into the hands of our membership before the summer and before the rush back to school in September. This is a great issue to advertise last-minute opportunities for summer music study, promote school music group travel for the next school year, and to get a jump on September advertising.

I look forward to hearing from you if I may be of service to you in any way. Thank you for considering advertising placement in the NYSSMA® School Music NEWS magazine!

Kind regards,

Thomas N. Gellert, NYSSMA® Editor