
NYSSMA Advocacy & Government Relations Committees 

Michael Mastrangelo
NYSSMA Advocacy/Government Relations Committee Chairperson



Each year during the month of March, NYSSMA celebrates “Music in Our Schools Month” across New York State. During this time, NYSSMA arranges a day in Albany for music educators to meet with our State legislators. Each zone works collaboratively with NYSSMA to schedule times with their assembly members and senators in Albany to discuss current issues and how they may affect music programs for students.  This is also an opportunity to express our gratitude for continued support of music education.  Music educators from each zone will organize themselves into groups and NYSSMA will provide talking points to discuss with their legislators.


Plan your calendar now so that you are able to join us for this worthwhile endeavor!

9:00 AM-9:20 AM – Orientation Meeting – Empire State Plaza Meeting Room 6 

9:30 AM-11:30 AM – Visits with Legislators 

11:30 AM – All-State Instrumental and Vocal Jazz Ensembles Concert, Empire State Plaza South Concourse  

1:00 PM-2:00 PM – Lunch provided by NYSSMA, Empire State Plaza Meeting Room 6

2:00 PM-3:00 PM – NYSCAME meeting in Empire State Plaza Meeting Room 7

2:00 PM-5:00 PM – Visits with Legislators

3:00 PM-5:00 PM – County Presidents’ Meeting, Empire State Plaza Meeting Room 7

5:00 PM-7:00 PM – All-State Instrumental and Vocal Jazz Ensembles Concert and Reception, Empire State Plaza Meeting Room 6, Dinner provided by NYSSMA


Empire State Plaza
279 Madison Ave, Albany, NY 12242

NYSSMA Day in Albany 2025 – Asks (*Will be posted as we get close to the date) 
NYSSMA Day in Albany 2025 – Tips
NYSSMA Day in Albany 2025 – Schedule
NYSSMA Day in Albany 2025 – Who We Are



The future of music education in the state of New York is dependent on the support of educators, parents, students, communities, legislators, and support groups. This new area on the NYSSMA Web Site features important advocacy information to aid in supporting music education at the local level. The NYSSMA Government Relations Committee presents the information on this website to assist music educators and parents in supporting the right of every student to receive a well-rounded education that includes a comprehensive, sequential, high-quality program of music taught by a qualified music teacher.  Please credit the source when using this information in your advocacy efforts.

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