Assignor of Adjudicators

Kathryn Struzik – Assignor of Adjudicators

535 Rondo Lane
Webster, New York 14580

Phone (585) 667-8565

Welcome to the Assignor of Adjudicators page!

If you are a NYSSMA Adjudicator, please visit the Adjudicator Portal at This page contains your Adjudicator Profile as well as NYSSMA Festival information, and downloadable forms with instructions for your reference and use.  This is also the website that I use to schedule your assignments for festivals.

If you are a NYSSMA Festival Chairperson, please go to  This site also contains your festival’s information and Adjudicator rosters.

If you are interested in becoming a NYSSMA Adjudicator, please visit the Director of Adjudicators page for more information.

Adjudicators please note:  All mailings and assignments are now done via e-mail.  Please be sure to add my e-mail ( to your contact list so that important communication from me does not end up in your Spam or Trash folder.  I email an availability inquiry to active Adjudicators in December.  If you have not received this email, please contact me.  Adjudicators who are consistently unavailable or do not respond with their availability may be removed from the Active list and will not automatically receive an Availability inquiry email from me each year.  If you think that you may not be active and wish to judge, please contact me.  

To avoid being considered inactive, simply respond to my availability inquiry email each year, even if you are not available to judge.

If you have any questions or need any other information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kathryn Struzik, NYSSMA Assignor of Adjudicators