Here is a list of frequently asked questions regarding Conference All-State issues and policies. If you still have a question regarding All-State or any other NYSSMA event, please send an e-mail to and your question will be answered as soon as possible.
Q. Do I have to register for All-State solo auditions on Solochair AND the NYSSMA site?
A. Yes. is used to drastically cut down the organizational time for festival hosts, and NYSSMA requires on-line registration for All-State to logistically help the state chairpersons. PLEASE be sure to register your students on Solochair as Level AS 6, NOT Level 6.ALSO- after you have filled out the form on the NYSSMA site, YOU MUST print out a copy, get the proper signatures AND send it to the host of the festival the student will be attending SIX WEEKS before the Festival!
Q. Where on the NYSSMA site is the on-line All-State registration?
A. The link is located on the home page in the center section.
Q. Do all of the students from our school have to go to the same All-State festival?
A. Yes, but only within the same “family” (chorus, band, orchestra). Also, jazz is considered separate, which means that you can take your All-State Jazz students to the All-State Jazz site, and your “regular” All-State solos to another site. NYSSMA requires students of ALL voice types and like instruments (band and orchestra) from the same school BUILDING to attend the same All-State festival.
Q. I have a student with a serious conflict (or injury) that will not allow him/her to go to the All-State site that our students are attending. Is there a way for him/her to still audition for All-State?
A. Yes. If a student has a serious conflict with their school’s festival, the music teacher MUST request a variance from the NYSSMA 2nd Vice President PRIOR to the school’s All-State site participation. If an injury or serious illness/conflict occurs at the last minute, please contact the Zone Representative IMMEDIATELY for help (716-640-0729).
Q. Our students are not able to attend any of the available Zone 1 All-State festivals, but there is a festival in another zone that we can attend. Is it okay for us to register for an All-State festival that is not in Zone 1?
A. Yes. However, the same above rules apply at ALL NYSSMA All-State festival locations. Also please notify the Zone 1 representative so that the Zone Representative in the other zone can be made aware of your students coming to their festival. Be aware that the Zone representative in another Zone has the right to refuse your application due to certain circumstances.
Q. I have a student auditioning for All-State, and this particular student is not likely to be selected for an ensemble. Can I wait to see what the score of the student is and THEN fill out an All-State form if they score well?
A. No. All-State forms MUST be filled out BEFORE the festival for EVERY student who is auditioning. Because of continued problems with this, Zone 1 will NOT be releasing All-State scores and evaluation sheets unless a complete and correct All-State application has been received by the festival chairperson.
Q. Do non All-State students from our school have to go to the same festival?
A. No. Non All-State students can attend any NYSSMA festival (in any zone).
Q. I am uncomfortable with my students and their parents seeing my recommendation comments on their All-State forms. Do I have to fill out this part on-line?
A. Yes. However, the students and parents no longer need to sign the application, so they will not see your comments.
Q. I made a mistake on my All-State form and it can’t be corrected. What do I do?
A. Simply fill out a new form (with corrected information) for the same student. A new control number will be given, and this will be the one that is used at festival and by the selection committee.
Q. I am new to teaching high school. My information has not been updated on the NYSSMA website, and so I can’t access the All-State registration site. How do I get access?
A. Call the NYSSMA office at 1-516-997-7200. They will update your information and get you access within a matter of minutes.
Q. I am not a NYSSMA member and I need to get a temporary number so I can access the on-line registration site. How do I get a temporary number?
A. E-mail Stuart Rauch at, and he will quickly send you a temporary number.