Minutes Dec. 2009

Minutes for the Second Annual Meeting of the NYSSMA Research Committee

Saturday, December 5, 2009
12:00 PM
Rochester Radisson Board Room- Rochester, NY

Committee Members in Attendance: Janice Smith, Mark Campbell, Maria Runfola, Michael


Others in Attendance: Beth Etopio, Katherine Levy, Emily Moss

The meeting was called to order at 12:16 PM by committee chair Dr. Janice Smith.

Formal introduction of committee members and all others in attendance.

I. Review of Research Gallery

  • +2 net presentations this year
  • Tables and boards provided this year were improvement from last year
  • Abstracts from this year’s session will be linked on NYSSMA.org/research
  • Smith proposed displaying posters for entire conference next year.  Maria Runfola felt that this would increase visibility and interest in research and suggested that researchers could be stationed at their board for during certain times.  Janice Smith agreed and will make this approach optional for 2010 participants.  The committee also agreed that future posters should include mention that the abstracts will soon be available to view on NYSSMA.org

II. Research Sessions

  • Had sessions all day Saturday this year.  Goal set last year was met.
  • Smith pointed out the problem that calls for next year’s sessions are due very soon and may lead to lower number of submissions.  Dr. Smith will be flexible with this deadline in the hope of increasing participation in 2010.
  • Campbell recommended providing projectors, speakers and other technologyrequirements for next year’s presenters. He also suggests that all research sessions should be  held in the same room next year.
  • Campbell suggested having not only sessions dealing with research findings, but also panels dealing with data collection and other research methodology.  Janice Smith and Maria Runfola agreed—all three committee members felt that panels for doctoral students should be offered and invitations sent to all doctoral programs in New York State (NYU, Columbia, SUNY Buffalo, Syracuse and Eastman)  The committee also agreed that nearby out-of-state programs should be included (Penn. State). Smith will pursue.
  • Smith and Runfola request that 2010 Research Committee meeting be held in Radisson Board Room again.  Request will also be made for complimentary lunch for those who sign up ahead of time. 

III. Proposal for NYSSMA Board

  • NYSSMA Board wants to facilitate research survey through link on web site
  • Campbell expressed concern about IRB approval and suggested that web site have “informed consent”—if members agree, go on to survey.  If disagree, link to exit site.
  • Levy expressed concern about security on such a system—authentic participation by NYSSMA members. 
  • Emily Moss also pointed out problem of reaching only a small group of researchers—those that find the site. Runfola respectfully disagreed—she found that  online access usually increases participation. Campbell agreed with Runfola.
  • Moss and Campbell expressed concern about qualifications for participants and also the problems with the procedure of online surveys. Campbell suggested setting up qualifications for participants—graduate students with supervising professors, IRB approved.

 Runfola agreed with requirements.

N.B.  Smith discussed this after the meeting with NYSSMA Executive Director Steve Schopp, who very much concurs, and is drafting language to state the requirements. He will share with the research committee before finalizing. 

IV. Articles for School Music News

  • April 2010 (due February 15)—no volunteer
  • May/June 2010 (due March 15)—Emily Moss will check with students and get back to Janice Smith
  • September 2010 (due July 15)—Kate Levy or one of her students
  • October 2010 (due August 15)—Emily Moss
  • November 2010 (due September 15)—Beth Etopio
  • Mark Campbell suggested session for next year dealing with how to write and submit articles for School Music News

The meeting was adjourned at 12:56 PM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Michael Albertson on Sunday, December 06, 2009.