2009 Special Learner Sessions
NYSSMA Winter Conference
Elise S. Sobol, Chairperson
Rochester, New York
Session 1: Thursday, December 3, 2009 7:15 p.m. CC Cascade ABC
Gifted with Disabilities: Teaching Music to Special Learners
Elise S. Sobol, Clinician
Drawing inspiration from society’s most gifted performers, presenter will share curriculum topics from her newly revised text An Attitude and Approach for Teaching Music to Special Learners, Second Edition (2008). With direct applications to inclusion programs (all grades) discussion will cover how to teach with consistent relevance and universal design.
Session 2: Friday, December 4, 2009 10:15 a.m. CC Cascade ABC
Benefits of a Music Learning Theory Based Intervention
For Children with Autism
Hannah Gruber, Clinician
Presenter will share specific researched musical interventions used to foster better communication, social interaction and positive behavior with selected children with autism. Activities included songs, rhythm chants and patterns in a variety of tonalities and meters to initiate trends in vocal imitation for important developmental milestones. Topic for all educators.
Session 3: Saturday, December 5, 2009 8:50 a.m. CC Cascade ABC
Successful Strategies for Exceptional Learners in instrumental Programs
Kevin Mixon, Clinician
Every student counts! Field-tested modifications, adaptations, and other practical solutions will be shared that will help band/orchestra directors meet challenges presented by diverse learners and help them become productive, valued members of the instrumental ensemble. Materials appropriate for inclusion programs at all a grade levels.
Please check Conference brochure for additional workshops by classroom, curriculum, early childhood, and research committees appropriate for your teaching assignment and fields of interest.
Publications for Teaching Special Learners from Rowman & Littlefield Education in partnership with MENC include:
Mixon, Kevin. (2007). Reaching and Teaching All Instrumental Students. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education in partnership with MENC: The National Association for Music Education
Sobol, Elise S. (2001, 2008) An Attitude and Approach for Teaching Music to Special Learners, Second Edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman&Littlefield Education in partnership with MENC; The National Association for Music Education.
Chairperson, Elise S. Sobol
Day and Time: Thursday, December 4, 2008 4:30 p.m. Cascade ABC Convention Center
Clinician: Dr. Daniel Deutsch
Description: This session features our NYSSMA Composition Chair speaking about his daily experiences teaching a diverse spectrum of exceptional elementary and middle school students. Inspirational footage on video and DVD will provide attendees professional development for providing training of young composers who may be challenged with specific disabilities or impairments.
Day and Time: Friday, December 5, 2008 8:30 a.m. Cascade ABC Convention Center
Clinician: Paul Chappell, LCAT, MT-BC
Clinician will highlight success of the steel drum program at Monroe#1 BOCES, give instruction to participants and present a live performance by the student group Cloud of Irony. Session to cover discussion of vital learning issues audition, expectations, teaching and rehearsal techniques. Inspirational application for all grades.
Adaptive Studio Instruction for Schools
Day and Time: Friday, December 5, 2008 10:15 a.m. Cascade ABC Convention Center
Clinician: Patricia Cestaro
Whether school performance ensemble director or studio piano instructor, this insightful presentation with live video clips will help teachers (all grades) reach musical achievement standards for their students. Handouts to include background information on childhood development, evaluative rubrics, demonstration of instructional adaptations to facilitate playing, reading, tracking and music mapping.
TEACHING SPECIAL LEARNERS: 21st Century Music Makers
Day and Time: Friday, December 5, 2008 1:00 p.m. Cascade ABC Convention Center
Clinician: Elaine L. Gates and C.W. Post/LIU Students
C.W. Post/Long Island University music students will demonstrate lesson plan development with boomwackers™, frog guiros and drum buckets™. Experience this session to see how our most challenged learners can reach achievement standards for literacy and music with these sturdy accessible instruments. Materials support inclusion practices in diverse public school settings.
Day and Time: Saturday, December 6, 2008 8:30 a.m. Grand Ballroom A (Hyatt)
Clinician: Maureen T. Makowski
Our clinician, Founder/Director of Rainbowtunes SM, a Long Island music program designed for early childhood students with special needs, will share her classroom and performance practices with special learners through the elementary grades. Topic focus features the design of a music room and curriculum that is accessible and comfortable for all!
Informational Workshops on Inclusion and Teaching Special Learners
New York State School Music Association 72nd Annual Winter Conference
Rochester, New York November 29-December 2, 2007
Elise S. Sobol, NYSSMA Chairperson, Music for Special Learners
Thursday, November 29, 2007 4:30 p.m. Loftus Carson Rm. Hyatt Regency
“Essential Music Teacher Preparation: Inclusion”
Presenter: Elise S. Sobol/New York University and
C.W.Post-Long Island University
Elise Sobol will present curriculum highlights from her graduate and undergraduate courses in music education. Examples of specific and purposeful assignments will be shared along with instructionally adaptive portfolio lessons. Session enriched by video clips of Sobol’s international teacher development workshops and lively discussion of practicing teachers in-service questions.
Thursday, November 29, 2007 7:15 p.m. CC- Riverside Court
“The 98% Solution – The Brighton Beginning Instrumental Music Program”
Presenter: Past President Jim Ogar and French Road Elementary School Staff
How the Brighton Instrumental Music Program involves 98% of the Fourth Grade students at the French Road Elementary school, including our gifted and special education students, without the use of a pull-out program.
Friday, November 30, 2007 10:15 a.m. Loftus Carson, Hyatt Regency
“Differentiate Instruction in the Arts: Addressing the Needs of Diverse Learners”
Presenter: Christine Goodheart, VSA/New York State Alliance for Arts Education
This hands-on workshop will explore the different ways in which students learn and how best to differentiate instruction in the arts. With focus on content, process, and product in music, presenter will provide concrete examples of implementation of IEP goals addressing the needs of diverse learners.
Friday, November 30, 2007 2:30 p.m. Loftus Carson, Hyatt Regency
“Early Musical Development for Children with Autism”
Presenters: Bryan Hunter, Ph.D., LCAAT, MT-BC, Nazareth College and Amy F. Thomas, LCAT, MT-BC, Upstate Music Therapy Center, LLC.
Through video examples and documented research, presenters will share results of their study on effect of music therapy on the communication skills of young children with autism. Improvement of on-task behavior with children after sessions of “vocalizing” and singing are noted. Application for music and special area teachers.
Saturday, December 1, 2007 8:30 a.m. CC. Cascade ABC
“Music for Milestones”
Presenter: Elise S. Sobol, NYSSMA Chairperson, Music for Special Learners
Nassau BOCES-New York University-Long Island University
This dynamic participation workshop will give you successful strategies and techniques for conceptual teaching to help your students reach important developmental milestones. Music for teaching academic, behavior, and character is structured by universal design for special learners of all ages and abilities.