NYSSMA Best Practices Committee

What is the Best Practices Committee? 
This committee is looking at the best practices of teaching music in all music classes. We will be examining distance learning, hybrid learning, as well as in-person learning. 

Committee Members: If you have any best practice examples please reach out to the committee member from your Zone or any of the chairs. 


Check out our new website and resources. 

In June of 2020, NYSSMA President David M. Brown charged this ad-hoc committee with looking at best practices being utilized in our schools in light of the Covid-19 Global Pandemic. The committee got right to work reviewing and collecting a database of lessons and resources that have been tested and vetted. We decided to present our findings in the form of a navigable website to support K-12 decision makers and music educators. We understand that this is a very fluid and constantly changing situation. The information below has been compiled to the best of our ability using current, developed practices of music educators. This resource list is ever growing, and should be considered a fluid resource. You will also see that there is opportunity for educators to submit lessons and resources as well.

Click NYSSMA Best Practices Below! 

NYSSMA Best Practices 

OfficerRobin DeSantisHSInstrumental 3rdVP@nyssma.org
Co-ChairMeghan CabralALLDistrict Coordinator/HS bandmcabral@carmelschools.org   
Co-ChairGina CostanzaElemVocal/GMgmcostanza@gmail.com
 Daria BartledtCollegeNYSSMA Collegiate Officerdbarteldt99@gmail.com
 Keith KosterCollegeNYSSMA Collegiate Chairkkoster8@naz.edu
OfficerRuss FanceHSNYSSMA President Electpresidentelect@nyssma.org
1Andrew BennettHSInstrumentalbennett.andy@gmail.com
 Robert PacilloHSVocalrpacillo@lockportschools.net
2Jason DeckerMSInstrumentaljdecker@letchworth.k12.ny.us
 Stephanie JonesElemVocal/GMStephanie_jones@webstercsd.org
 Michael Wahl MSVocal/GMMichael_Wahl@pittsford.monroe.edu
3Kris GilbertMSBand/Modern Band/Music Techkrisgilbertmusic@yahoo.com
 Annmarie GregoryElemVocal/GMagregory@esmschools.org
4Sarah DePalmaHSVocal/GMsdepalma@wboro.org
 Sara ChudowElemOrchestraschudow@nhart.org
 Shawn DePalmaHSOrchestrasdepalma@cvalleycsd.org 
5Matt GayleMSVocal/GMmgayle@potsdam.k12.ny.us
6Cheri LaDukeMS/HSVocal/GMladuke.cherie@avcsk12.org
 Sue NystoriakMSInstrumental/8th grade GMnystoriak.susan@bcsdk12.org
 Steffany PerhamMSVocal/GMsperham@maloneschools.org
7Matthew GaulinHSVocal/GM/IB/Music Technologymgaulin@queensburyschool.org
8Kimbery CollisonAll Vocal/GM/HS pianokimberlydcollison@gmail.com
9Karin McCartneyElemGM/Vocal  Prek-5kmccartney@necsd.net
10Samantha McShaneMS/HSVocal/GMMcShaneS@chatham.k12.ny.us
 Kate JarradMS/HSOrchestrajarrardk@chatham.k12.ny.us 
11Mary LandryHS Vocal/GMMary.Landry@henhudschools.org
12Sara ShikowitzMSVocalsara.shikowitz@gmail.com
 Carmen EliasMSOrchestracelias@schools.nyc.gov
 Nucleo VegaMSInstrumentalnucvega@gmail.com
13Mike RodgersDirectorNYSCAME Web Editormrodgers@pobschools.org 
14Christopher NeskeHSInstrumental /SCMEA Presidentcneske@gmail.com
15Todd BialeckiHSInstrumental /AP Music Theorytodd.bialecki@hornellcsd.org
 Jan Smith Vocal/GM/Music Technology/Rural and Urban SchoolsJanice.Smith@qc.cuny.edu
 Ethan Hein Music Technologyethanhein@gmail.com