Adjudication Festival Committee

The Adjudication Festival Committee is responsible for:

  • Developing and refining rules, procedures and the regulations which govern NYSSMA Solo/Ensemble Festivals, Major Organization Festivals and Area All-State Festivals.
  • Orientation of new adjudicators for Solo/Ensemble Festivals and Major Organization Festivals.
  • Corresponding and communicating with NYSSMA adjudicators concerning updates and adjudicator issues.
  • Reporting to Executive Council on matters as charged by Executive Council.

George H. Smith – Adjudication Festival Committee Chairperson

The Adjudication Festival Chairperson is responsible for coordinating all functions of the Adjudication Festival Committee.  Adjudication Festival Committee meetings are arranged and chaired by the chairperson. The chairperson is a liaison between the Adjudication Festival Committee and the NYSSMA Executive Council and attends and reports at Executive Council Meetings. 

Daryle Redmond – Second Vice President

The Second Vice President is the NYSSMA Officer who oversees the Adjudication Festival Committee.  The Second Vice President makes the final ruling governing any disputed adjudication issues.

Kathryn Struzik – Assignor of Adjudicators

The Assignor of Adjudicators assigns adjudicators to solo and major organization festivals based on the needs provided by the festival chairperson.  Assignments are determined by the information returned on the availability forms sent to adjudicators in January.  All questions dealing with availability and assignments should be directed to the Assignor.

Michael Robertson – Director of Adjudicators

The Director of Adjudicators is responsible for the implementation of the adjudicator orientation program.  The Director also handles all adjudicator feedback forms as well as rehearing requests submitted through the Solo Appeals Procedure.  

Andy Kittleson – Manual Chairperson

The Manual Chairperson supervises the editing and printing of each edition of the NYSSMA Manual.  As a member of the Adjudication Festival Committee, the Manual Chairperson attends all Adjudication Festival Committee meetings. This provides knowledge of the adjudication process and allows for clarifications of the Rules and Regulations section of the Manual that may be necessary.  Along with the above, the Manual Chairperson is also Head-Librarian of the NYSSMA Manual Library.

Solo Instrument Coordinators:

The Solo Coordinators are the clinicians/trainers responsible for the adjudication orientation seminars held in various parts of the state at designated solo festival sites in the spring of each year.  They also are the clinicians for the Adjudicator Refresher Seminars, which are held online in February.  When necessary, they communicate with adjudicators to clarify NYSSMA policy and discuss any adjudication issues and suggest possible solutions.  All Coordinators are voting members of the Adjudication Festival Committee and assume committee tasks as directed by the Adjudication Festival Chairperson.

Major Organization Coordinators:  

The Major Organization Coordinators are the clinician/trainers responsible for the Major Organization orientations held in various parts of the state at designated solo festival sites in the spring of each year.  They are also clinicians for Major Organization seminars and clinics held at the Winter Conference dealing with NYSSMA major organization adjudication.   They communicate feedback received to major organization adjudicators.  All Major Organization Coordinators are voting members of the Adjudication Festival Committee and assume committee tasks as directed by the Adjudication Festival Chairperson.  

DISCLAIMER:  Adjudicator Orientation Process Notification

Several festivals per season are used as adjudicator orientation sites.  It is possible your assigned room will be used in this process.  Adjudicator orientation will not occur during All-State auditions.  If you have an objection to a student being assigned to an orientation room, please request a Friday evaluation time.  A maximum of three adjudicator candidates and the State Coordinator or his/her assistant will be present in rooms.  The State Coordinator and candidates will be silently observing and/or writing practice evaluations. Please note the assigned adjudicator or State Coordinator will remain in the room for the entire festival and will be responsible for writing the “official” evaluation sheet for every performance in that room.  Students and teachers will not be permitted to see adjudicator candidate evaluation sheets.