(how to submit articles for publication)
The Editor of the NYSSMA SCHOOL MUSIC NEWS announces a call for the submission of manuscripts from NYSSMA members. Topics may cover any area of music education at any given instructional level. The following guidelines will apply to all submissions:
Submitted manuscripts must be concise, and well-structured. Articles must not exceed 600 – 1000 words in length. Articles submitted for consideration should be sent by e-mail in any word processing program and may be accompanied by electronic images/graphics saved in .pdf, .jpeg, .pict, .tiff, .eps format.
Stick to a conversational approach when writing. Your primary goal here is to engage the reader. Your paper should have a natural rhythm … please avoid “preaching,” and please, speak to the reader in easy to understand language and terminology. Spelling and grammar must be perfect.
Manuscripts containing footnotes and/or quotations must contain a full bibliographic reference for verification by the editor (including author(s), title or volume number, issue number, publisher, date, page(s) ). References to foot-notes, musical examples, diagrams, etc., should appear on an attached end page with numerical references corresponding to your written text. For appropriate format, consult any style manual for guidelines on writing an article.
Please avoid the use of copywrited works of art, clip-art, drawings, diagrams, etc. You may submit original artwork or public domain clip art/graphics along with your manuscript.
Whenever possible and appropriate, we encourage the submission of photos along with your manuscript. Photos should be eye-catching and relate to your written text. Black and white or color photos are acceptable as long as the exposure is even without being too light or too dark. Avoid long perspective shots. Candid shots are the most interesting and desirable. Please avoid “busy” photos of large groups of people. Stick to small group or individual shots (again, candid shots only, avoid posed photos). When possible, 5″ x 7″ or 8″ x 10″ photos are best suited for our use. Photos may also be sent by U.S. Mail and will be returned at the author’s request.
Articles selected for publication should be original and as a general rule we do not run reprints of articles that have appeared elsewhere. *Please note: NYSSMA will not run unsolicited articles that are written to promote commercial products or services.
Finally, because NYSSMA is a non-profit organization, there is no compensation for articles used in the SCHOOL MUSIC NEWS. Articles appearing in the NEWS will become the property of NYSSMA and may be edited as necessary for length and content. Once an article has appeared in the School Music NEWS NYSSMA retains the right to grant reprint permission under a reciprocal agreement with NAfME and/or other state affiliated units of NAfME without compensation. Furthermore, the original author of any article appearing in the School Music NEWS agrees to give proper reprint citation to NYSSMA if an article is submitted to a separate publication. For additional information please contact Thomas N. Gellert, School Music News Editor.